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Alcohol addiction and alcoholism are the cause of many problems in Butte, MT. Alcohol use is legal but it is a drug, and drinking alcohol in excess has become quite acceptable in society today. The fact of the matter is that alcohol is just as addictive as any other drug, and 1 out of 10 people who drinks alcohol becomes addicted to it.
Alcohol addiction in Butte affects people of all ages, races and beliefs. Alcohol is used as a band aid to make individuals feel better, or to put someone in a more sociable mood. This is dangerous, because sooner or later the individual is going to need alcohol just to be able to function. The individual will start needing alcohol more frequently and in larger amounts. Most alcoholics are in complete denial of their problem and some even blame others for the reason the drink. In the end, the individual will lose everything important to them.
Alcohol addiction or alcoholism in Butte, Montana is a death sentence if the person involved doesn't seek help. If they continue their destructive ways, the short and long term physical, emotional and social consequences will begin to set in. Alcohol affects every organ in the body. An alcoholic can fool themselves and everybody else, but if they do not seek help the price will ultimately be their life.
Getting treatment in Butte for alcohol addiction and alcoholism gives the individual the opportunity to make a lasting change in their life. They will be able to gain new tools and abilities to confront what life throws at them, so they don't have to resolve their problems with alcohol. Alcoholism Rehab Centers offer a sane and safe environment for the individual to get to the root of their addiction to avoid relapse in the future.
Someone addicted to alcohol in Butte, MT. who suddenly ceases to drink will most likely manifest physical symptoms called withdrawal. An Alcohol Addiction Treatment Program in Butte is prepared to supervise the individual through withdrawal and alcohol detoxification and make it as smooth a process as possible.
There are many treatment options in Butte, Montana for individuals seeking help. There are Long-term Alcohol Addiction Rehabilitation Facilities, Outpatient Alcohol Abuse Rehabilitation Centers, Short-term Alcohol Rehab Programs, Inpatient Alcoholism Treatment Facilities, support group meetings, individual counseling, halfway houses and sober living.
A new beginning is available for you or someone you know who needs help with alcohol addiction. Contact an Alcohol Addiction Treatment Center in Butte today and find out which treatment options are best for you.
Alcohol Treatment Facilities in and around Butte, Montana
- Montana Chemical Dependency Center Butte, MT, 59701
- Acadia Montana Butte, MT, 59701
- AWARE Inc Butte, MT, 59701
- Western Montana Mental Health Center Butte, MT, 59701
- Southwest MT Community Health Center Butte, MT, 59701
- North American Indian Alliance Butte, MT, 59701
- Western MT Mental Health Tri County Anaconda, MT, 59711
- Western Montana Tri County Anaconda, MT, 59711
- Boyd Andrew Community Services Helena, MT, 59601
- St. Peters Hospital Helena, MT, 59601
- Contact Us
- It takes one hour for a half ounce of alcohol to leave a fully grown man's body.
- Some of the negative effects that are commonly linked to alcohol abuse include problems at school or work, not meeting family responsibilities; drunk-driving arrests and automobile crashes; and drinking-related medical conditions.
- In the United States today, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is reported to be the third most common cause that is related to cases of mental retardation.
- As people age through adolescence and into young adulthood, they increasingly expect benefits from alcohol consumption and become less convinced of the risks.
- Butte, MT. Al-Anon Support Group Meetings
Comfort Inn
District 9 Business Meeting
2777 Harrison Avenue
Butte, Montana
Al-Anon Meeting Times
Wed., 7:00 PM
Gold Hill Lutheran Church
Wednesday Evening
934 Placer St.
Butte, Montana
Al-Anon Meeting Times
Wed., 8:00 PM
HeartPrints Alateen
1500 Cobban St.
Butte, Montana
Al-Anon Meeting Times
Thu., 6:00 PM
United Congregational Church
2945 Bayard St.
Butte, Montana
Al-Anon Meeting Times
Mon., 8:00 PM
For more information, visit